2024 6th International Conference on Intelligent Control, Measurements and Signal Processing (ICMSP 2024)




Registration Fee

Regular Registration for Paper (4 pages)

570 USD/ paper (4 pages)

3800 CNY/ paper (4 pages)

For IEEE Member-Regular Registration for Paper (4 pages)

540 USD/ paper (4 pages)

3600 CNY/ paper (4 pages)

Extra Pages (Begin at Page 5)

60 USD/ per extra page

400 CNY/per extra page

Attendees without Submission

270 USD/per person

1800 CNY/per person

Attendees without Submission (Groups)

225 USD/per person(≥ 3 person)

1500 CNY/per person(≥ 3 person)

Purchase Extra Proceedings/Journal copies

75 USD/book

500 CNY/book


Details of the registration fees

1. At least one author for each accepted final paper must pre-register. 

2. Registration fees for ICMSP 2024 Regular is 570 USD / 3800 CNY per paper.

3. If the length of the paper exceeds 4 Pages, the cost of Each Extra Page (begin at Page 5) is 60 USD / 400 CNY.

4. Registration fees include conference proceedings, lunches, souvenirs and attending all technical sessions.

5. The registration fee does not include:  ① Accommodation   ② Visa application fee   ③ Transportation fare.

6. Completed registrations will be acknowledged by the Organizing Committee within 2-5 workdays after receiving your payment.

7. This conference has set a fixed exchange rate of 100 RMB to 15 USD,Please select the payment method and currency that best suits your actual situation.

8. If your paper is accepted by committee and you registered for the conference, a 30% processing fee will be deducted if a retraction is requested.

9. The benefits cannot be superimposed. Please consult the conference secretary for team contribution discount.